29 December 2017

An Epic Year of Travel: 2017 Highlights

As 2017 is quickly drawing to an end, it's the perfect time to reflect on highlights and favourite memories created from this year's travels.


19 December 2017

Goodbye Australia. Hello again, New Zealand

Seasons Greetings to all!

If you didn't know already, last week I left Australia and jumped back across the ditch to good ol' New Zealand.
I've been living away for three years so coming back home after such a long time away is always a nice feeling.


5 December 2017

Top Five things to do in Siem Reap

I really enjoyed exploring Siem Reap, even a whole week there wasn't enough for me and I can't wait to go back again one day in the future.

As it is for most people, seeing Angkor Wat and the incredible surrounding temples was the main reason I wanted to go there but there is so much more to see and do as well.

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